Welcome to the GD Legacy Community.

GD Legacy is for women who are Glorious and Divine in each and every way. Here you will be able to express your inner feelings and thoughts, as well as, be supported by other women who feel the same way as you or experienced what you going through.

Not only will you deal with life issues but be brought up to speed with the latest fashion, fashion trends and the up and coming GD Legacy line designed just for every individual women's needs.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day

President's Day is in honor of our two President's Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. It is every February on the 3rd Monday of the month. 

I found this poem, I hope you all like it


Back in Seventeen ninety-six 
Is when this Holiday began 
For the birthday of ol’ George 
At least that was the plan.
It was his last full year 
Of his Presidency 
Born February twenty-second 
Or the Eleventh, ‘cause you see 
The old calendar was different 
Than the one we use today 
And some celebrated one 
Some people on the other day. 
By the early Nineteenth Century 
Celebrated every year 
Birthnight Balls were held 
Taverns reveled in good cheer. 
Public figures gave their speeches 
And Receptions given by a few 
Then along came ol’ Abe Lincoln 
His Birthday in February too. 
In Eighteen and sixty-five 
The year after Booth’s fatal shot 
Both House’s of Congress gathered
For a Memorial and solemn thought. 
Not a Federal Holiday like George’s 
But legal in more than one State 
And then a Resolution was enacted 
Back in Nineteen sixty-eight. 
They made the third Monday of the month 
To make for a three day weekend 
To honor Washington and Lincoln 
And this story comes to it’s end. 

~Del "Abe" Jones~

All-Star Dunk Contest

I think you ladies will enjoy looking at Blake Griffen. After seeing this you might say this boy has some skills.


Hey Ladies, I wanted to share this youtube video with you on doing make-up. It is fun and you might want to take some tips and add your own touch to it. Enjoy!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quick Fix Up Styles

The Little Black Dress Ladies: Little Black Dress

Black Opened toed heels Black Open toed Heels

Where to Find Simple Hair Styles pictures

Valentine's Day

Welcome My GD Legacy Queens,
   Happy Valentine's Day!!! So, are you ladies wondering what you can do today to spice up your evening but low on cash. Well, let's first start out with Valentine's day is about love, so no matter what you do, if your man loves you then he will love whatever you all do, and I am sure he is just as worried as you are about making this particular day special.
Now, I know your pockets are probably low on cash and your on a tight budget, no worries though it's the little things you and your beau can do to spice it up. Let's start off with you getting off of work a little early, head to the grocery store and pick up some items to cook a special dinner for you and your hunny. I recommend something light but tasty, FYI steak, vegetables, baked potatoe, 2 tall candles (Target) and good quality wine (Red Wine) always goes well with steak. Now ladies with this dinner you just can't go wrong, trust.
Next off to the closet you go! A Black little dress, should be on your list to check off for what to wear tonight. This dress let's him know your ready and feeling confident. What man doesn't want to see his girlfriend or wife in a sexy black little dress. As far as your hair goes, a nice up do just wearing your hair down is up to you. Now to set off the outfit make sure to put on your sexy woman heels and light make-up. Remember less is more these days and always.
Set the table, light the candles and wait for him to walk through the door in shock. Meet him at the door take his coat and guide him to the dinner table. If you want to set the mood why not turn on some music that you both like and even the evening of everlasting conversation. After dinner pop in the movie that he brought over slip into something a little bit more comfortable. 
This is a quick put it together Valentine's Day that won't let you down and you do not have to spend a ton of money to make the day wonderful. Just dinner, music and a movie and you and your beau will be glad that you two spent it together in the comfort of your home. 
GD Legacy

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Good Morning GD Legacy Queens, welcome to the zone of free space where you can express your inner thoughts, give advice and soak up fashion tips!!! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking Sometime Out For Me

GD Legacy Queens,

      Taking time out for ourselves, is that something we do? Let's talk about taking sometime out for you. As women we live busy and fast pace lives. It's no longer the traditional lifestyle where we are at home all day cooking and cleaning; we have more on our plates which is fine since we are the, "Multi-taskers". We are the student, athlete, designer, mom, daughter, girlfriend, wife, boss, assistant, producer and the list goes on. Our days start out with waking up, showering, brushing teeth, doing our hair and make-up routine, getting dressed, eating and going to school, dropping off  the kids at school, getting to work and then fullfilling all of the work duties for the day, let's not forget managing personalities at work. After a full day of carrying out responsibilities and dealing with kids, family, friends and coworkers, your day could have been a very stressful and tense induced one.

        So ask yourself how do I feel today? What do I need today or at this moment? We should ask ourselves these questions because how much can we do before we just hit overload, I mean come on let's be realistic. We can't do everything and be everyone's hero but we can be our own. Sometimes we have to save ourselves first before we can fulfill anyone else's needs. If you run yourself down to the ground how can you be the support to everyone else who depends on you. When you feel that stress and tension coming on, take a few minutes to yourself and enjoy some, "ME TIME."  This time is your time and no one elses time.

       Take a few minutes and figure out where can you get away from everything and just relax. Is it getting 30 minutes to take a yoga class, pedicure and manicure, writing in your journal, escape into a room and rock in your rocking chair in pure silence, read a book, or even take 20 minutes to pray and read your bible, whatever it may be please find what works for you. Figure out what helps you escape and get some me time in, becaue it is really important. Taking time out for yourself is healthy because you are giving yourself time to unwind and restore your mental being. If you get in a routine with taking time out for yourself then you will find that your everyday life demands will be easier to get through. All of the hats you wear gets easier because you now have a balance of mind, body and soul.  

So GD Legacy Queens make sure your getting in some "Me Time" and feel free to share with other ladies what works for you and how it has impacted a difference in your life.
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