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GD Legacy is for women who are Glorious and Divine in each and every way. Here you will be able to express your inner feelings and thoughts, as well as, be supported by other women who feel the same way as you or experienced what you going through.

Not only will you deal with life issues but be brought up to speed with the latest fashion, fashion trends and the up and coming GD Legacy line designed just for every individual women's needs.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking Sometime Out For Me

GD Legacy Queens,

      Taking time out for ourselves, is that something we do? Let's talk about taking sometime out for you. As women we live busy and fast pace lives. It's no longer the traditional lifestyle where we are at home all day cooking and cleaning; we have more on our plates which is fine since we are the, "Multi-taskers". We are the student, athlete, designer, mom, daughter, girlfriend, wife, boss, assistant, producer and the list goes on. Our days start out with waking up, showering, brushing teeth, doing our hair and make-up routine, getting dressed, eating and going to school, dropping off  the kids at school, getting to work and then fullfilling all of the work duties for the day, let's not forget managing personalities at work. After a full day of carrying out responsibilities and dealing with kids, family, friends and coworkers, your day could have been a very stressful and tense induced one.

        So ask yourself how do I feel today? What do I need today or at this moment? We should ask ourselves these questions because how much can we do before we just hit overload, I mean come on let's be realistic. We can't do everything and be everyone's hero but we can be our own. Sometimes we have to save ourselves first before we can fulfill anyone else's needs. If you run yourself down to the ground how can you be the support to everyone else who depends on you. When you feel that stress and tension coming on, take a few minutes to yourself and enjoy some, "ME TIME."  This time is your time and no one elses time.

       Take a few minutes and figure out where can you get away from everything and just relax. Is it getting 30 minutes to take a yoga class, pedicure and manicure, writing in your journal, escape into a room and rock in your rocking chair in pure silence, read a book, or even take 20 minutes to pray and read your bible, whatever it may be please find what works for you. Figure out what helps you escape and get some me time in, becaue it is really important. Taking time out for yourself is healthy because you are giving yourself time to unwind and restore your mental being. If you get in a routine with taking time out for yourself then you will find that your everyday life demands will be easier to get through. All of the hats you wear gets easier because you now have a balance of mind, body and soul.  

So GD Legacy Queens make sure your getting in some "Me Time" and feel free to share with other ladies what works for you and how it has impacted a difference in your life.


  1. Yes so true we always need to find time to ourselves even. I think we sometimes just forget because not only are we so caught up in what we do it's the simple fact that we are doing what we love which is hard to take time away from. Doing the things we love we don't recognize as work when it really is and can be stressful but we keep going simply because we love it.

  2. Well said. I am at a point right now where I am learning to balance everything from school, work, and exercise. A few years back it seemed like everything was out of control but I've learned that I AM in control. My "ME" time is when I write in my journal, exercise, and read a book that interests me! Thanks for your enlightening words!

  3. Well said! We all need to take a little me time. Not only for us, but for those around us. If we stay going and having multiple hats all the time and no break, it wont only burn us out..but the people around us will get burnt out of us. The past few months I have realized it more then ever. I was in a car accident on Christmas here in Missouri..hit black ice/pot hole on a bridge and totaled my car and very easily should of not made it a live. Now I take a little more me time, and count my blessings even more then I did before. Do things for us, because in a second it could be gone! Well said my friend. You have a good way with words.

  4. I definitely agree. We must not lose sight of what is most important.


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